Saturday, December 13, 2008

The 10 best IT certifications

MCITP Microsoft Certified IT Professional credential
  1. Database developer,
  2. Database administrator,
  3. Enterprise messaging administrator, and
  4. Server administrator
MCTS - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist
  1. SQL Server 2008 Business Intelligence
  2. SQL Server 2008 Database Development
  3. SQL Server 2008 Implementation and Maintenance
Security+ - CompTIA’s Security+
MCPD - Microsoft Certified Professional Developer
  1. Windows Developer 3.5
  2. ASP.NET Developer 3.5 and
  3. Enterprise Applications Developer 3.5
CCNA - Cisco Certified Network Associate
A+ - CompTIA’s A+
PMP - Project Management Professional
MCSE/MCSA - Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer/Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator
CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional

Integrate Google Task into Gmail

Google just rolled out functionality that can able to add task gadgets into your Gmail.
--> Labs --> Enable (Select Google task) Option

Friday, December 12, 2008

The New OS from Microsoft - Windows Vienna

Run Query on Two Different Database on Two Different Servers

A linked server configuration allows Microsoft SQL Server to execute commands against OLE DB data sources on different servers. Linked servers offer these advantages:
  • Remote server access.
  • The ability to issue distributed queries, updates, commands, and transactions on heterogeneous data sources across the enterprise.
  • The ability to address diverse data sources similarly.
Managing a Linked Server Definition

Register the connection information and data source information with SQL Server.

You can create or delete a linked server definition with stored procedures or through SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

With Stored Procedure:

Create a linked server definition using sp_addlinkedserver.
sp_addlinkedserver [ @server = ] 'server'
[ , [ @srvproduct = ] 'product_name' ]
[ , [ @provider = ] 'provider_name' ]
[ , [ @datasrc = ] 'data_source' ]
[ , [ @location = ] 'location' ]
[ , [ @provstr = ] 'provider_string' ]
[ , [ @catalog = ] 'catalog' ]
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'SEATTLE Mktg',
@srvproduct = 'OLE DB Provider for Jet',
@provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
@datasrc = 'C:\MSOffice\Access\Samples\Northwind.mdb'

Delete a linked server definition using sp_dropserver.
sp_dropserver [ @server = ] 'server'
[ , [ @droplogins = ] { 'droplogins' | NULL} ]
sp_dropserver ‘SEATTLE Mktg', 'droplogins'

With SQL Server Enterprise Manager:
  • SQL Server Enterprise Manager Console -- Server objects -- Linked Servers
  • Right Click -- New Linked Server
  • Define the name, provider properties, server options, and security options for the linked server.
  • Edit a linked server definition by right-clicking the linked server and clicking Properties.
  • Delete a linked server definition by right-clicking the linked server and clicking Delete.
When executing a distributed query against a linked server, include a fully qualified, four-part table name for each data source to query.

This four-part name should be in the form linked_server_name.catalog.schema.object_name.

Select * From [linkedservername or IP].DatabaseName.sys.Columns

Pseudo Validator for a Pseudo Standard

Web 2.0 validator tool:

Web 2.0 Technology

Semantic web is an evolving extension of World Wide Web Consortium and It’s Director Tim Berner’s Lee founded in the year 1989.

Web 2.0 concepts have led to the development and evolution of web culture communities and hosted services, such as social-networking sites, video sharing sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies.

O'Reilly and John Battelle they frame the themes of Web 2.0.

Four levels in the hierarchy of Web 2.0 sites:
  1. Level-3 applications, the most "Web 2.0"-oriented, exist only on the Internet. Examples: eBay, Craigslist, Wikipedia,, Skype, dodgeball, and AdSense.
  2. Level-2 applications can operate offline but gain advantages from going online. Examples: Flickr.
  3. Level-1 applications operate offline but gain features online. Examples: Google Docs & Spreadsheets and iTunes.
  4. Level-0 applications work as well offline as online. Examples: MapQuest, Yahoo! Local, and Google Maps.
Web 2.0 websites typically include some of the following features/techniques
  1. Rich-Internet application: Techniques to improve the user-experience in browser-based application such as AJAX, Adobe Flash, Flex, Java, Silverlight, Curl etc.
  2. Server-Side software: Dynamic content management system by using much more robust database and workflow support.
  3. Client-side software: Reduce server workloads and to increase responsiveness of the application by using scripting language such as JavaScript/AJAX, Flash, Curl Applets or Java Applets.
  4. XML and RSS
  5. Specialized protocols such as FOAF and XFN (both for social networking)
  6. Web APIs which allow web-based access to data and functions: REST and SOAP
  7. Search: Easily find the information in the site by specifying the keyword which makes the platform valuable.
  8. Links: guides to important pieces of information. The best pages are the most frequently linked to.
  9. Authoring: Able to post content by different users. While in blogs is increasing that posts and comments of individuals are accumulated over time.
  10. Tags: categorize content by creating tags (one-word description) increase facilitate of searching.
  11. Extensions: Automation some of the work and pattern matching by using algorithms e.g. recommendations.
  12. Signals: Notify users frequently about the changes that are made to the site by sending mails to them in the format of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) technology.
Current World Internet Usage and Population Statistics

Encoded file filename.php expired or corrupt error.

The encoded file filename.php has expired or is corrupt.

This happens when one of the ionCube encoded files have not been uploaded in binary mode or have been tampered with.

The files are encoded on the fly when you click on the download button and your user information is written to the comments of the php file so is a file checksum, if the file is edited or tampered with in any way it becomes corrupt, same with uploading it in ASCII mode, it changes checksums because of the difference in uploading.

The resolution would be to try uploading the file again in binary mode, if that does not work I would suggest re-downloading the entire system from our members area and re-uploading it in binary mode.

Types of Encode/Decode in PHP

You can encode or decode PHP file by using
  1. Zend Encoder,
  2. Zend SafeGuard,
  3. IonCube,
  4. PhpCipher,
  5. Codelock,
  6. Truebug,
  7. Sourcecop,
  8. Byterun,
  9. ElearningForce,
  10. PHPLockit,
  11. Zorex Cryptz,
  12. PHPion.

XAMPP Apache port change

Find httpd.conf file in the folder path
apache --> conf --> httpd.conf

Open httpd.conf file in your text editor.

Find this line:
Listen 80

change it to:
Listen 8080

Save and restart Apache.

http://locahost:8080 would now be your XAMPP default pages.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of single page visits. If a visitor arrive at any page of a site and exits (either closes the browser or visits another website) without visiting any other page of the same site.

For example
64 pages were viewed a total of 477 visitors (i.e. Visit only a single page of a site).
(Single page visit / total page visits) * 100 = Bounce Rate
(64 / 477) * 100 = 67.73%

Importance of reducing bounce rate:
  1. Visitors Time on the Page to be increased (i.e. visitors will stay longer in the site) and
  2. Conversion rates will improve.
Determine Bounce Rate:

You can determine it by using Google Analytics tool
  1. Go to Content -> Top Content.
  2. Now you can view the Bounce Rate column (it shows bounce rate for particular page).

To reduce bounce rate:

No hard and fast rule to reduce bounce rate.
  1. Increase the overall feel of that particular page.
  2. Look at the navigational structure.
  3. Take care when you assign a heading to the page or article and it should be more appropriate to the content because visitors are reading your headline and calling it off.
  4. Show the high bounce pages to your friends/colleagues. Ask them what they find annoying. Listen to them carefully - implement it and see if there is a change in bounce rate.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Approving Certificate Requests to a Standalone Certificate Authority

The stand-alone CA does not automatically issue a certificate when a certificate request is made. The reason is the standalone CA is not able to confirm the validity of the request. It does not check the information provided by the requestor against a directory, such as the enterprise CA does when validating credentials against the Active Directory.

You should keep this default behavior for your published standalone CA in order to prevent users on the Internet from obtaining certificates without your review. Perform the following steps to approve a certificate request:

1. Click Start and point to Administrative Tools. Click on the Certification Authority link.

2. In the Certification Authority console, expand the server name and then click on the Pending Certificates node. You see a list of pending certificate requests in the right pane of the console. You can see who requested the certificate by scrolling to the right and looking under the Requester Name column (not shown). Right click on the certificate request in the right pane of the console, point to All Tasks and click Issue. The certificate request is removed from the Pending Requests node.

3. Click on the Issued Certificates node in the left pane of the Certification Authority console. The certificate request you approved appears in the right pane of the console. This indicates the certificate request was approved. It does not indicate the machine issuing the request has returned to the Web enrollment site to retrieve the certificate.

Installing Microsoft Certificate Services

We recommend that you install the stand-alone CA on a member server or domain controller on your internal network. This will allow the stand-alone CA’s certificate to be placed automatically into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate store for all users and computers.

1. At a member server or domain controller in your internal network, log on as a domain administrator. Click Start, point to Control Panel and click Add/Remove Programs.

2. In the Add or Remove Programs window, click the Add/Remove Windows Components button.

3. In the Windows Components dialog box, click on the Certificate Services entry and click the Details button.

4. In the Certificate Services dialog box, put a checkmark in the Certificate Services CA checkbox. A Microsoft Certificate Services dialog box appears and informs you that you can not change the machine name or the domain membership of the machine while it acts as a certificate server. Read the information in the dialog box and click Yes.

5. Both the Certificate Services CA and Certificate Services Web Enrollment Support checkboxes are checked. Click OK in the Certificate Services dialog box.

6. Click Next in the Windows Components dialog box

7. Select the Stand-alone root CA option on the CA Type page. Click Next.

8. On the CA Identifying Information page, type in a Common name for this CA. The common name of the CA is typically the DNS host name or NetBIOS name (computer name) of the machine running Certificate Services. In this example, the name of the machine is WIN2003DC, so we will enter WIN2003DC in the Common name for this CA text box. The default Validity Period of the CA’s self-signed certificate is 5 years. Accept this default value unless you have a reason to change it. Click Next.

9. On the Certificate Database Settings page, use the default locations for the Certificate Database and Certificate Database Log. You do not need to specify a shared folder to store configuration information because this information will be stored in the Active Directory. Click Next.

10. Click Yes on the Microsoft Certificate Services dialog box informing you that Internet Information Services must be stopped temporarily.

11. Click Yes on the Microsoft Certificate Services dialog box informing you that Active Server Pages must be enabled on IIS if you wish to use the Certificate Services Web enrollment site.

12. Click Finish on the Completing the Windows Components Wizard page.

13. Close the Add or Remove Programs window.

The standalone Certificate Server is now ready to accept certificate requests.

Installing Microsoft Internet Information Services World Wide Web Service

Perform the following steps to install IIS 6.0 on the Windows Server 2003 computer. The machine can be a standalone server, a member server in an Active Directory domain, or even a domain controller:

1. Click Start, point to Control Panel and click Add or Remove Programs.

2. Click the Add/Remove Windows Components button in the Add or Remove Programs.

3. On the Windows Components window, click on the Application Server entry and click the Details button.

4. On the Application Server page, click on the Internet Information Services (IIS) entry and click the Details button.

5. In the Internet Information Service (IIS) dialog box, put a checkmark in the World Wide Web Service checkbox and click OK.

6. Click OK on the Application Server dialog box.

7. Click Next on the Windows Components dialog box.

8. Click Finish on the Completing the Windows Components Wizard page.

Port Forwarding

Port forwarding allows remote computers (e.g. public machines on the Internet) to connect to a particular computer within a private LAN.

Some examples can be when u setup an ftp server on my machine for other people to access, or you are running a bittorrent client such as utorrent, or when you want to play Age of Empires on the network.

Configure NAT Option in Beetel Modem

1. Open url in browser.

2. Login using your airtel modem's username and password. Default login and password are admin and password.

3. Click on link Advanced Setup --> NAT --> Virtual Servers in the left side menu.

4. There u will see two options: Add and Remove.

5. Click on Add.

6. In the 'Server Name', choose 'Custom Server', and give it any name you like...

7. In 'Server IP Address', put your ip address...(to find your ip address, open command prompt, and type ipconfig)

8. In 'external port', enter the port you want to open... If you want to open just one port or range of port by using “:”. Example 1100:1105.

9. In ‘internal port', enter the port you want to open... If you want to open just one port or range of port by using “:”. Example 1100:1105.

10. Now, click on save/apply, and you are done.

Configure Beetel Modem in MAC Encapsulation Routing

1. Open url in browser.

2. Login using your airtel modem's username and password. Default login and password are admin and password.

3. Click on link Advanced Setup --> WAN in the left side menu.

4. You'll have options to add or remove configurations.

5. On the right screen, you see a single service listed called PPPoE. Click on Edit.

6. Set the VPI=0 and VCI=35 (for Airtel it would be 1,32) and click next.

7. Select connection type: MAC Encapsulation Routing and encapsulation type: LLC/Snap Bridging and click next.

8. Enter the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway information that your ISP should have given you then click next.

9. Check Enable NAT, Firewall(If you want), WAN Service Option & Enter the Service Name.

10. Click Next and Save.

11. Now you will be back to the first screen with the service listed as bridge. Click on Save/Reboot. This will reboot your modem. Wait for 2 mins for complete reboot to happen.

12. This completes the configuration for the modem.

13. Finally configure your system as above said (Computer is connected directly to the internet without any router or firewall).

Configure Beetel Modem in Bridging Mode

Computer is connected to the internet with a router or a firewall or a modem:

1. Open url in browser.

2. Login using your airtel modem's username and password. Default login and password are admin and password.

3. Click on link Advanced Setup --> WAN in the left side menu.

4. You'll have options to add or remove configurations.

5. On the right screen, you see a single service listed called PPPoE. Click on Edit.

6. Set the VPI=0 and VCI=35 (for Airtel it would be 1,32) and click next.

7. Select connection type: Bridging and encapsulation type: LLC/Snap Bridging and click next.

8. Check Enable Bridge Service Option & Enter the Service Name.

9. Click Next and Save.

10. Now you will be back to the first screen with the service listed as bridge. Click on Save/Reboot. This will reboot your modem. Wait for 2 mins for complete reboot to happen.

11. This completes the configuration for the modem.

12. Finally configure your system as above said (Computer is connected directly to the internet without any router or firewall).

Assign Static IP to the System

1. Start --> Control Panel --> Network Connections; find the network connection that represents your connection to the internet. Most often it's labeled simply Local Area Connection.

2. Right click on that and select properties.

3. Now click on the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) item in the list.

4. Now click on the properties button.

5. A default configuration will have both Obtain an IP address automatically, and Obtain DNS server address automatically selected.

6. Click on Use the following IP address: and enter the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway information that your ISP should have given you. (If they did not give you all three, ask them.)

7. In most cases they will also give you IP addresses for the DNS servers you should use. Click on Use the following DNS server addresses, and enter that information as well.

8. That's it. Once you "OK" your way out of those configuration dialogs, your computer should now respond to its assigned IP address.

Monday, November 10, 2008

css property text-shadow

H3 { text-shadow: #6374AB 20px -12px 2px; }

As you see text-shadow accepts four values:

1. The color of the text-shadow (#6374AB)

2. The X-coordinate of the text-shadow (20px), relative to the text

3. The Y-coordinate of the text-shadow (-12px), relative to the text

4. The blur radius of the text-shadow (2px), which means the amount of space the shadowtext is ’stretched’, causing a blur effect. 0 means: no blur. Don’t set this value too high, the shadowtext quickly becomes illegible.

The Main Drawback of above css will work only for safari browser.

To work with ie browser Filter and height are 2 properties added with the above heading tag.

h3 { text-shadow: #6374AB 20px -12px 2px; filter: Shadow(Color=#6374AB, Direction=135, Strength=5); height: 1em; font-size:24px; }


What is Bluetooth?
Bluetooth is the name for a short-range radio frequency (RF) technology that operates at 2.4 GHz and is capable of transmitting voice and data. The effective range of Bluetooth devices is 32 feet (10 meters). Bluetooth transfers data at the rate of 1 Mbps, which is from three to eight times the average speed of parallel and serial ports, respectively.

Why is the technology called Bluetooth?
The heart of the Bluetooth brand identity is the name, which refers to the Danish king Harald "Bluetooth" Blaatand who unified Denmark and Norway. In the beginning of the Bluetooth wireless technology era, Bluetooth was aimed at unifying the telecom and computing industries.

How is Bluetooth used?
Bluetooth can be used to wirelessly synchronize and transfer data among devices. Bluetooth can be thought of as a cable replacement technology. Typical uses include automatically synchronizing contact and calendar information among desktop, notebook and palmtop computers without connecting cables. Bluetooth can also be used to access a network or the Internet with a notebook computer by connecting wirelessly to a cellular phone.

What is the future direction of the Bluetooth standard?
At this time, we anticipate the Bluetooth SIG to evolve the Bluetooth technology to provide greater bandwidth and distances, thus increasing the potential platforms and applications used in the emerging personal area networking marketplace

Where can I find more information on Bluetooth?
The following web sites are useful Bluetooth resources:,, and

Technology Answers:

How secure is a Bluetooth network?
Bluetooth is extremely secure in that it employs several layers of data encryption and user authentication measures. Bluetooth devices use a combination of the Personal Identification Number (PIN) and a Bluetooth address to identify other Bluetooth devices. Data encryption (i.e., 128-bit) can be used to further enhance the degree of Bluetooth security. The transmission scheme (FHSS) provides another level of security in itself. Instead of transmitting over one frequency within the 2.4 GHz band, Bluetooth radios use a fast frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) technique, allowing only synchronized receivers to access the transmitted data.

What is Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)?
Frequency-Hopping Spread-Spectrum (FHSS) is a spread spectrum modulation scheme that uses a narrowband carrier that changes frequency in a pattern known to both transmitter and receiver. Properly synchronized, they maintain a single logical channel. To an unintended receiver, FHSS appears as short-duration impulse noise. More simply, the data is broken down into packets and transmitted to the receiver of other devices over numerous "hop frequencies" (79 total) in a pseudo random pattern. Only transmitters and receivers that are synchronized on the same hop frequency pattern will have access to the transmitted data. The transmitter switches hop frequencies 1,600 times per second to assure a high degree of data security.

Will other RF (Radio Frequency) devices interfere with Bluetooth Devices?
No. Bluetooth radios operate on the unlicensed 2.4 GHz (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) frequency band that is shared among other devices (microwave ovens, cordless phones, garage door openers, etc. ). Bluetooth radios switch frequencies at such a rapid pace (1,600 times per second) and the data packets are so small that interference from other RF sources is highly unlikely. Bluetooth is a robust communication system.

Will Bluetooth and Wireless LAN (WLAN) interfere with each other?
No, both Bluetooth and WLAN can co-exist. Since Bluetooth devices use Frequency Hopping and most WLANs use Direct Sequence Spreading techniques they each appear as background noise to the other and should not cause any perceivable performance issues.

What is the data throughput speed of a Bluetooth connection?
Bluetooth transfers data at a rate of 721 Kbps, which is from three to eight times the average speed of parallel and serial ports, respectively. This bandwidth is capable of transmitting voice, data, video and still images.

What is the range of Bluetooth transmitter/receivers?
Bluetooth is designed for very low power use, and the transmission range will only be 10m, about 30ft. High-powered Bluetooth devices will enable ranges up to 100m (300ft). Considering the design philosophy behind Bluetooth, even the 10m range is adequate for the purposes Bluetooth is intended for. Later versions of the Bluetooth spec may allow longer ranges.

What kind of encryption will be used for Bluetooth security?
The Bluetooth specification 1.0 describes the link encryption algorithm as a stream cipher using 4 LFSR (linear feedback shift registers). The sum of the width of the LFSRs is 128, and the spec says "the effective key length is selectable between 8 and 128 bits". This arrangement allows Bluetooth to be used in countries with regulations limiting encryption strength, and "facilitate a future upgrade path for the security without the need for a costly redesign of the algorithms and encryption hardware" according to the Bluetooth specification. Key generation and authentication seems to be using the 8-round SAFER+ encryption algorithm. The information available suggests that Bluetooth security will be adequate for most purposes; but users with higher security requirements will need to employ stronger algorithms to ensure the security of their data.

Is Bluetooth practical for use with mobile devices?
Yes. One concern for mobile computing users is power consumption. Bluetooth radios are very low power, drawing as little as 0.3mA in standby mode and 30mA during sustained data transmissions. Bluetooth radios alternate among power-saving modes in which device activity is lowered to maximize the mobile power supply.

What is a Personal Area Network (PAN)?
A Personal Area Network is another name for a Bluetooth Piconet.

What is HomeRF?
HomeRFlike Bluetooth is a specification for connectivity and mobility in a home-like environment. HomeRF Working Group has developed a specification for wireless communications in the home called the Shared Wireless Access Protocol (SWAP).

Regulatory/ Market Answers:

Are different brands of Bluetooth products compatible?
Yes. They have to. The Bluetooth Logo Certification Program requires Bluetooth products to interoperate with products manufactured by other vendors; those products that don't interoperate will not be allowed to use the Bluetooth logo.

Can Bluetooth products be used on aircraft?
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other aviation regulatory bodies worldwide are currently reviewing the use of Bluetooth products on private and commercial aircraft. In the U.S. the FAA is the governing body to grant approval for Bluetooth product use on aircraft; therefore, we must defer to their impending ruling.

What companies are involved in the Bluetooth initiative?
Global technology leaders Ericsson, Nokia, IBM, Intel and Toshiba founded the Bluetooth SIG in 1998. These companies are now supported by over 1,000 other organizations with a wide range of expertise, including Widcomm, Inc.

What types of companies are likely to adopt or promote Bluetooth technology?
Companies likely to adopt this technology include, but are not limited to, software developers, network vendors, silicon vendors, peripheral and camera manufacturers, mobile PC and handheld device manufacturers, consumer electronics manufacturers and more.

Are there any patents or licenses involved?
Yes, there are several patents on different parts of the technology. Because of this, all licensees will have to sign a zero cost license agreement to cover IP and naming.

What is the estimated size of the market?
Market research studies at several leading companies involved with Bluetooth technology expect a total of 250 million Bluetooth-enabled devices, ranging from headsets to mobile and desktop computers, will be shipped in 2002.

Where can I get Bluetooth specification ? Is it license free ?
Bluetooth specification can be downloaded from which has more comprehensive information about and its SIG. It is totally free and no license is required to use it.

Is Bluetooth an IEEE standard, like IEEE 802.11 and Ethernet?
Being an IEEE standard will be a big plus to widespread adoption of Bluetooth, and IEEE 802.15 working group for personal area networks (PAN) announced that they will be adopting Bluetooth as the IEEE 802.15 standard.

How much will Bluetooth devices cost?
Bluetooth devices are expected to cost $20 initially (first half of 2000); but will drop to around $5 with widespread adoption and economies of scale.

What is it - a technology, a standard, an initiative, or a product?
Bluetooth wireless technology is a de facto standard, as well as a specification for small-form factor, low-cost, short range radio links between mobile PCs, mobile phones and other portable devices. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group is an industry group consisting of leaders in the telecommunications, computing, and networking industries that are driving development of the technology and bringing it to market.

Can Bluetooth devices be used on airplanes?

Not today. The United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has looked at the Bluetooth technology and continues to investigate it. A body within the SIG that works with regulatory organizations is trying to ensure the safe in-flight use of the Bluetooth technology (in fact, some airlines and aircraft manufacturers are interested in the use of Bluetooth wireless communication within aircraft cabins as one way to reduce the tremendous amount of cabling in aircraft). For now, as a technology that is not yet approved for in-flight use, Bluetooth devices will be subject to the same rules as cellular phones, meaning that they must be turned off during flight. However, it is within the realm of possibility that Bluetooth devices will be permitted to be used—perhaps even be installed in—aircraft in the future.


A network of devices connected in an ad hoc fashion using Bluetooth technology. A piconet is formed when at least two devices, such as a portable PC and a cellular phone, connect. A piconet can support up to eight devices. When a piconet is formed, one device acts as the master while the others act as slaves for the duration of the piconet connection. A piconet is sometimes called a PAN.

"Piconet" is a combination of the prefix "pico," meaning very small or one trillionth, and network.

10 things you should know about Microsoft Expression Web

1: Expression Web replaces FrontPage in Microsoft’s lineup, but it fits into a different slot

2: Unlike FrontPage, Expression Web purposely generates standard, valid HTML and CSS by default

3: Expression Web is competent of working with ASP.NET files, but it can’t work with the code-behind files

4: The rest of the Expression suite covers the view that Expression Web doesn’t

5: Like FrontPage, Expression Web provides a good number of tools for reporting against the site that you’re working on

6: One sign of the former Office integration is the use of the spell checker, something which will most likely never appear in Visual Studio

7: Expression Web contains three important and useful validators

8: If you want the functionality of the Master Page system without using ASP.NET, Expression Web has a Dynamic Web Template system

9: Expression Web hooks into the Microsoft Script Editor, which provides debugging tools for client-side scripting

10: Microsoft is currently offering a 60 day free trial of Expression Web

Heart Attacks And Drinking Warm Water

For those who like to drink cold water, this is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine.. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer .

It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal, like the Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water, maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating.

Common Symptoms Of Heart Attack...

A serious note about heart attacks - You should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting .. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.

You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive.

A cardiologist says if everyone who reads this message sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life. Read this & Send to a friend. It could save a life. So, please be a true friend and send this article to all your friends you care about.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Creative ZEN X-Fi

Zen X-Fi the first digital media player to be built with creative's state-of-the-art X-Fi technology.

For Specification

Oreva E-Car to be launched soon by Ajanta Group

Now, its Ajanta group who already manufactures e-bikes with brand Oreva. The company said they are soon going to launch their e-car on Indian road. It will be 100% India made e-Car. As per company information, the e-Car can run 200 to 250 km one full charge.

The car, according to initial reports, will be able to seat four people. Expected to be rolled out by year 2009-2010, a demo model of the Ajanta e-car has been unveiled at a Rajkot showroom under the brand name Oreva.

Interest Calculation

Amount per Month = Total Amount / No of months

Interest Amount per Month = (Total Amount * Rate of Interest) / 100

Rate Of Interest = (Interest Amount Per Month * 100) / Total Amount

Friday, October 31, 2008

Instrument Music of Southern Culture

Restoring Your Computer Network Settings

Restoring settings to Windows 2000:

1.      Go to Start>Settings>Control Panel.

2.      Double-click Network and Dial-up Connections.

3.      Double-click Local Area Connection to open the Local Area Connection Status window.

4.      Click Properties to open the Local Area Connection Properties window.

5.      Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) to open the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window.

6.      Click Properties.

7.      Click Use the following IP address and enter your recorded network settings.

8.      Click Use the following DNS server addresses and enter your recorded DNS settings.

9.      Click OK to close the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window.

10.  Click OK to close the Local Area Connection Properties window.

11.  Click Close to close the Local Area Connection Status window.

Setting Up DHCP on Your Computer

Important: Be sure to write down your computer’s current network settings, so you can refer to them to reset your computer after the appliance is configured.

Windows 2000: (Record your existing network settings so you can revert back to them.)

1.      Go to Start>Settings>Control Panel.

2.      Double-click Network and Dial-up Connections.

3.      Double-click Local Area Connection to open the Local Area Connection Status window.

4.      Click Properties to open the Local Area Connection Properties window.

5.      Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) to open the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window.

6.      Click Properties.

7.      Record your existing network and DNS settings.

8.      Click Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically.

9.      Click OK three times, to close the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window, the Local Area Connection Properties window, and the Local Area Connection Status window.

10.  Return to the Installation Steps section to configure the appliance’s network settings.

If you cannot configure the appliance, open an MS-DOS window and enter ipconfig /release. Then enter ipconfig /renew. The resulting IP address should be If not, see the “Troubleshooting” section.


Windows XP: (Record your existing network settings so you can revert back to them.)

1.      Go to Start>Control Panel.

2.      Double click Network Connections to open the window.

3.      Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.

4.      On the General tab, click Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically.

5.      Click OK to close the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Propertieswindow.

6.      Click OK to close the Local Area Connection Properties window and close the Control Panel.

7.      Return to the Installation Steps to configure the appliance’s network settings.

Google Page Rank For My Site

I got My Page Rank as 1 out of 10 From Google Services

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Integrate Google Calendar and Docs into Gmail natively

Google just rolled out functionality to allow the installation of gadgets in your Gmail

Settings --> Labs Tab --> Enable ( Select Google Calendar gadget, Google Docs gadget ) Option

This means you can add your calendar & Docs for a more consolidated view of your life, or even add something like tasks

RiyazStudio - for Tanpura and Tabla accompaniment

RiyazStudio software, which is a nice little software for Tanpura and Tabla accompaniment. If you are practicing indian classical music at home and would like some accompaniment in tanpura and tabla, then this would be a right fit for you. You can vary the pitch, the tuning, the taal and the tempo. Here is the link to the website:

It costs close to $40. You can get a free temporary license and use it for 30 days before actually deciding to buying it. Some of the features would be disabled in the free temporary license.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

India Inc set to cut 25-30% jobs

After Diwali festivities, India Inc is set to show pink slips to 25-30 per cent employees in businesses like IT, aviation, steel, financial services, real estate, cement and construction as part of their cost-cutting measures, industry body Assocham has said.

These seven sectors are no longer in a position to sustain their operations with existing manpower strength, Assocham said in its study on 'Jobs Scenario Post-Diwali.'

"HR heads of these sectors have drawn up conclusive plans to curtail their workforce by 25-30 per cent, announcements for which is likely in the next 10 days or so," Assocham President Sajjan Jindal said.

Without naming the companies that would take this step, the chamber said the corporates have no other alternatives to sustain operations with squeezed margins after drastic cost-cutting measures like denying bonus and ex-gratia.

Placement agencies have already deferred their plans as crisis-ridden sectors have stopped requisitioning about their human resource requirement in view of current meltdown and job seekers are well aware of this factor, which has created confidence crisis in most of them.

The chamber further said that the negative sentiments in the seven sectors could be turned into opportunities provided the Reserve Bank discontinues with its tight monetary policy and cut the interests rates by at least three per cent.

Want to drive your guy crazy?

Colour matters: Men prefer lady in red

A new study has found that women in red are regarded as better looking and more desirable to men. In fact, this is driven by nothing but primal instincts that associate the colour with sex.

According to lead researcher Prof Andrew Elliot, the study aims to provide hard evidence of "society's enduring love affair with red".

"Although this 'red alert' may be a product of human society associating red with love for eons, it also may arise from more primitive biological roots.

"It could be this very deep biologically based automatic tendency to respond to red as an attraction cue given our evolutionary heritage," Prof Elliot was quoted by British newspaper 'The Daily Telegraph' as saying.

The researchers from the University of Rochester came to the conclusion after carrying out an experiment, involving over 100 men who were shown photographs of a "moderately attractive" young woman.

The subjects, mostly university undergraduates, were shown the pictures and asked to rate how pretty they were, how much they would like to kiss them and how much they would like to have sex with them.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


CSS Viewer is a great little tool that provides you with all of the CSS for an element
by simply hovering over it. It shows details about the fonts, colours, backgrounds, sizings and positionings of each element and is a great tool to learn CSS with, For Programmer and debuggers it would have helped a lot.


How to Debug the JavaScript code using visual studio 2005?

It is very hectic to debug JavaScript by writing alert code inside the function blocks to test whether it reaches the corresponding line. So visual studio presents a new way to debug JavaScript using a keyword

Debugger inside the function block.

Traditional JavaScript debugging:

Normally developers would add a alert message to test javascript .

function TestDebugging()


alert(“I m inside the code”);


input type = “button” id =”btn” value =”test” onClick=”javascript:TestDebugging();”

But this type of debugging doesn't say that whether the object is initialized or assigned or not but if we use visual studio to debug JavaScript it will give you what u exactly needed.

Following are the steps to debug JavaScript using Visual studio


Write a javascript code using Visualstudio 2005 for example

function TestDebugging()



alert(“I m inside the code”);


we need to include a keyword “debugger;” at the start point of the function block of the JavaScript code.


We need t to uncheck the internet options present in the IE or other Browser namely

Disable script debugging (internet explorer)

Disable script debugging (others)

To uncheck the above options go to Internet Explorer --> Tools ---> Internet Options

Select advanced tab, you will find the above two options


Check the settings of internet options as per above picture. Then what for u waiting for just add a keyword debugger; and make settings as per the above picture and enjoy JavaScript debugging.

திருமீயச்சூர் லலிதாம்பிகை கோவில்

திருமீயச்சூர் லலிதாம்பிகை கோவில் கும்பக்கோணத்தில் இருந்து காரைக்கால் செல்லும் வழியில் 35 கீ.மீ தூரத்தில் உள்ள பேரளம் சென்று அங்கிருந்து 2 கீ.மீ ஆட்டோவில் சென்றால் கோவிலை அடையாளம்.

தொலைபேசி: 04366 - 239 170, 94448 36526

Friday, October 24, 2008

Google Hack

While i'm reading some article i got this link it's very nice. You read it and try ...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Firefox 3.1 Released

Google has been letting people create profiles for a while now — you can see mine here, and you can create yours here. Until today, your public profile that you created has remained hidden from search engines.

When Google released Chrome, Firefox could finally pick on a kid that was the same size. 

Yesterday Mozilla announced that Firefox 3.1 Beta 1 was available for download. This brings with it a whole new raft of features and improvements:

·          Web standards improvements in the Gecko layout engine

·          Added support for CSS 2.1 and CSS 3 properties

·          A new tab-switching shortcut that shows previews of the tab you’re switching to

·          Improved control over the Smart Location Bar using special characters to restrict your search

·          Support for new web technologies such as the

The new tab-switching feature is really neat (press CTRL+TAB to get a view of all the open tabs), and the special character support for the Awesome Bar makes life a lot easier (for example, you can restrict the search to your history by typing ^, or search only bookmarks using *, or tagged pages with+, if you want to match only text in the URL type @, and for title and tags only use #). Immediately we get usability gains without chrome overload or bloat. Nice.

Google opens up your profile to search engines

Google has been letting people create profiles for a while now — you can see mine here, and you can create yours here. Until today, your public profile that you created has remained hidden from search engines.
Just about a half hour ago, Google added a new line into their robots.txt file which makes all those profiles (or at least 50,000 of them) crawl-able by search engines. The new entry tells search engines to use “” as a sitemap. The sitemap looks something like this:

In that file, you can see it lists 30 static files — each of which contain a whole slew of URL’s to public profiles. It will be interesting to see how long it takes for these profiles to show up in Google search results — and when they do, how they look. I’m sure Google will be creating a special One Box to show “people results” at some point.