H3 { text-shadow: #6374AB 20px -12px 2px; }
As you see text-shadow accepts four values:
1. The color of the text-shadow (#6374AB)
2. The X-coordinate of the text-shadow (20px), relative to the text
3. The Y-coordinate of the text-shadow (-12px), relative to the text
4. The blur radius of the text-shadow (2px), which means the amount of space the shadowtext is ’stretched’, causing a blur effect. 0 means: no blur. Don’t set this value too high, the shadowtext quickly becomes illegible.
The Main Drawback of above css will work only for safari browser.
To work with ie browser Filter and height are 2 properties added with the above heading tag.
h3 { text-shadow: #6374AB 20px -12px 2px; filter: Shadow(Color=#6374AB, Direction=135, Strength=5); height: 1em; font-size:24px; }
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