Friday, November 14, 2008

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of single page visits. If a visitor arrive at any page of a site and exits (either closes the browser or visits another website) without visiting any other page of the same site.

For example
64 pages were viewed a total of 477 visitors (i.e. Visit only a single page of a site).
(Single page visit / total page visits) * 100 = Bounce Rate
(64 / 477) * 100 = 67.73%

Importance of reducing bounce rate:
  1. Visitors Time on the Page to be increased (i.e. visitors will stay longer in the site) and
  2. Conversion rates will improve.
Determine Bounce Rate:

You can determine it by using Google Analytics tool
  1. Go to Content -> Top Content.
  2. Now you can view the Bounce Rate column (it shows bounce rate for particular page).

To reduce bounce rate:

No hard and fast rule to reduce bounce rate.
  1. Increase the overall feel of that particular page.
  2. Look at the navigational structure.
  3. Take care when you assign a heading to the page or article and it should be more appropriate to the content because visitors are reading your headline and calling it off.
  4. Show the high bounce pages to your friends/colleagues. Ask them what they find annoying. Listen to them carefully - implement it and see if there is a change in bounce rate.

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