Thursday, November 13, 2008

Configure NAT Option in Beetel Modem

1. Open url in browser.

2. Login using your airtel modem's username and password. Default login and password are admin and password.

3. Click on link Advanced Setup --> NAT --> Virtual Servers in the left side menu.

4. There u will see two options: Add and Remove.

5. Click on Add.

6. In the 'Server Name', choose 'Custom Server', and give it any name you like...

7. In 'Server IP Address', put your ip address...(to find your ip address, open command prompt, and type ipconfig)

8. In 'external port', enter the port you want to open... If you want to open just one port or range of port by using “:”. Example 1100:1105.

9. In ‘internal port', enter the port you want to open... If you want to open just one port or range of port by using “:”. Example 1100:1105.

10. Now, click on save/apply, and you are done.

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